AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


A LONGING RETURN TO THE OFFICE As the pandemic advanced, many firms tried to recreate the office functions in a digital format. Even when this
THE NEW NORMAL IS NOW Remote working reassembled our jobs and the places where we perform them, and inevitably new workspaces must transform to fit
AFZ:COMMITTED TO THE ENVIRONMENT In AFZ we keep our commitment to the environment through several initiatives, one of them the renovation of our Blue Flag
THE E23: A SMART AND SUSTAINABLE BUILDING IN AFZ We have opened the E-23 as part of the expansion process of our Business City, an
DRIVING THROUGH SUSTAINABILITY With the installment of our first EV Charging Station, we will encourage more than 10,000 workers into sustainable mobility, helping the business
NEW NORMAL IN THREE DIMENSIONS The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. As the vaccination advances, early signs of recovery are appearing,
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