AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


A BUSINESS CITY THAT KEEPS GROWING We’re proud to host a business community willing to develop office projects under the Free Trade Zone regime, meeting
23 YEARS AS AN EXAMPLE FOR INNOVATION Since day one of our Business City, we have focused on giving our clients the best experience possible
SMART BUILDINGS HAVE A NEW MEANING Costa Rica has shown an unseen potential during this pandemic as one of the most influential countries in Latin
3 TIPS FOR RETURNING TO THE OFFICE Remote working patterns created by the COVID-19 pandemic have speeded the demand for flexible workspaces suitable for hybrid
SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION: HOW DO WE DO IT? The Costa Rican Chamber of Construction announced the winners of the 12th edition of the Sustainable Construction Award,
TEAMWORK AND RETURNING TO THE OFFICE Community bonding is at last what gives purpose to the workplace and helps collaboration. When our coworkers are together
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