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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. As the vaccination advances, early signs of recovery are appearing, with workers slowly returning to their companies in hybrid formats that combine work-from-home and in-office labors.

What will “the new normal” mean for companies and their workplaces? Melissa Carvajal, manager of Social Responsibility and Sustainability in American Free Zone (AFZ), discussed things to consider, possible next steps, and how they can continue to be successful, in “The Office Tenant Week 2021”.

Carvajal emphasized that “the new normal” should be seen in three dimensions by companies: economy, environment, and people, all equally important for their sustainable development.

It could be dangerous for the sustainability goals of a company if any of these three pillars are missing, especially when sustainability has become vital for the long-term success of the corporations.

“The pandemic reminded us that the people are the center of all,” Carvajal said, highlighting that the workers’ well-being is now more crucial than ever. “If a company’s personnel are not happy, it can’t be considered a successful company”, she added.

The priorities of society changed as well, also redefining the way companies approach clients and establish their corporate objectives. Leaders must refresh their managing style as well, focusing more on resilience, inclusivity, and long-term goals.

In AFZ we have done our best to impact the surrounding community and put people as a priority. Proof of that is our vaccination campaign, where we served as a vaccination center for the inhabitants of Heredia.

Hundreds of people answered the call and got their shot within the facilities of a business city that perfectly met the vaccination protocols.

AFZ’s installations are also certified with the Promed COVID-19 Safety Compliant, assuring that the business center is a step ahead in terms of biosecurity.

Other initiatives are our alliance with Horizonte Positivo, which allowed us to measure the socioeconomic status of our employees, and the business center also has ample spaces for socialization, for playing sports and entertaining, promoting the health of our members.

The “new normal,” as we see it, comes with several challenges that require a new leadership that understands that the three-dimensional way mentioned above is no longer optional.