AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Sustainability turned into a hot topic for the global economy, environment, and society in recent years. Companies have discovered a need for innovation and sustainability throughout the 21st century.

We have been using solar panels as an important source of electricity, but it’s far from being our main source of renewable energy. The solution could be energy-efficient homes that use less electricity, or electric cars and buses powered by clean energy sources such as solar or wind energy, a resource that AFZ has implemented with our electric charging, with three stations that allow the charging of up to six vehicles simultaneously.

In line with this environmental commitment, our operations are certified Neutral Carbon and Ecological Blue Flag in the Climate Change Category, in addition our buildings are LEED certified by Core and Shell and have ISO 14001 certification.

Power generation doesn’t have to be a source of pollution or climate change. As humanity, we are aware that a change to cleaner energy sources is mandatory if we want to avoid catastrophe.

Sustainability is the key to our future, in terms of economy and development. We can’t keep on relying solely on fossil fuels; it’s unbearable for the long-term vision.

One of the main reasons for climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Is it time for us to change our way of producing?

Earth Day was celebrated for the first time on April 22nd, 1970. The main goal of this celebration is to raise awareness about protecting the environment. It is a day for us to rethink our daily habits, therefore we have joined this celebration with environmental action.

We helped with the cleaning of the Burío river with the pickup of more than 1.150 pounds of garbage, and the donation of more than 250 trees for the community of Barva, in Heredia. With these actions, we have shown that we are a sustainable company capable of influencing communities positively.

There are three ways in which we can be sustainable in our companies:

  • Reduce waste
  • Use of renewable energy for production
  • More investment in clean energy

Sustainability is pivotal to the success of a company, understanding sustainability as the capacity of any company to satisfy its actual needs without compromising the availability of resources for future generations.

In AFZ we offer the companies the opportunity to embrace this transformation while turning “greener” in an ecological business city. Our goal is to produce without harming the environment through a holistic approach to economic activity at all levels.

If you want to be part of this business model, please write us at