AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


We’re proud to host a business community willing to develop office projects under the Free Trade Zone regime, meeting international standards with interdisciplinary management. Currently, we host more than 25 high-level companies that create more than 10,000 jobs in Costa Rica.

The beginning of 2022 brought the good news of the arrival of two new companies joining our family, that stand out for their innovation, technology, and the growth opportunities they give their employees. One of these firms is SPECTRAFORCE, a global recruitment company that serves over 120 clients worldwide. Its operation in Costa Rica is focused on providing services to North America and other regions.

Furthermore, we received HCL in our Business City, a provider of a wide range of services for local and foreign companies. Its goal is to enhance the organizational processes of its clients through advanced digital technologies, consulting, robotic automatization, AI/ML, and analytics. HCL promotes an employee-centered philosophy and encourages its personnel to be innovative.

GigaMonster, which specializes in broadband Internet services and in creating exciting products for their clients, is another company that joined us recently. We are proud to host such prestigious companies in our Business City since they compromise us to be more innovative, have the best technology, and grow more. Currently, we have space to triple our operations with an infrastructure of high quality, sustainability, and added value for our companies’ workers.