AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Costa Rica has shown an unseen potential during this pandemic as one of the most influential countries in Latin America in terms of readiness, automatization, and technology.

The pandemic has caused several changes in the economy in recent months. Meanwhile, Smart Cities globally have backed economies creating new job positions and serving as hubs for logistics, industrial production, exports, and imports.

Costa Rica has shown an unseen potential during this pandemic as one of the most influential countries in Latin America in terms of readiness, automatization, and technology. AFZ, a Smart City, holds a privileged spot as a provider of these services inside the country’s borders.

Smart Cities stand out for their health-centered focus and buildings equipped with the latest technological advances related to air conditioning, solar-powered illumination, electric mobility, and surveillance.

In AFZ, we believe that demand for spaces and buildings with smart offices is rising, and we’ve been working on improvements that cope with this trend. Structures with advanced technology are perfect for creating a safe working environment, as they are becoming more touchless:

The new contactless office

Before the pandemic, contactless technology in workplaces extended exclusively to automatic sensor doors, hand dryers, and soap dispensers; however, as companies are returning to in-office duties, other appliances are becoming contactless too. The following are good examples of devices that can turn into contactless add-ons:

  • Elevator buttons
  • Light switches.
  • Facial-recognition technologies.
  • Voice-commanded gadgets.

Replacing contact points with touchless options helps eliminate the areas where the virus can remain, protecting the personnel and reducing the number of surfaces that need cleaning regularly.

Offices are becoming the focus of COVID-19 infections, thus keeping buildings safe and updated is a must. In AFZ, the people’s safety is our priority, and we are leaders in new technologies to guarantee sustainability, efficiency, readiness, and high-quality logistics for our clients.