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Remote working patterns created by the COVID-19 pandemic have speeded the demand for flexible workspaces suitable for hybrid formats of working and the companies’ new needs.

Most of the population in Costa Rica is vaccinated against COVID-19, thus returning to the office this year is almost sure. Even though the pandemic has transformed work for most of us, employers are starting to ask themselves: Are we ready to receive employees? Do they need more freedom and inspiration at the office?

Remote working patterns created by the COVID-19 pandemic have speeded the demand for flexible workspaces suitable for hybrid formats of working and the companies’ new needs.

Given that most employees are attracted to hybrid working, here are some tips for implementing changes in your offices:

Develop a hybrid model

If an office is designed to foster collaboration and problem solving, it should look like a place that enhances these features. Workspaces should have amphitheaters, relaxing zones, and spaces for events and meetings. Also, remote working should stay for most positions in your company.

Office design

An office design nowadays must inspire health, safety, and well-being. More distance between workstations, fewer desks, more space for collaborative meetings, and offices that evoke inspiration and innovation can help to improve the mood for working.

Successful hybrid workspaces are characterized by a subtle arrangement of furniture and personnel that results in more efficient employees.

Meet employees’ expectations

Currently, there is a new purpose for physical workspaces beyond a business model. We must collectively build a more connected and sustainable workspace, considering the employees’ expectations, which are now higher after working from home for several months.

Employees pursue flexibility, and they should have it. If employers expect the same productivity in physical offices as they had it for remote work, they should adapt offices to enhance performance, social experiences, and well-being. Employers must also weigh on the possible reasons why a worker would like to return to the office.

Here in AFZ, we have more than 20 years of experience in the Real State sector, and we stand out for our constant expansions and development. We’re able to triple our current number of companies, adapting new offices to the most recent laboring trends.

If you want further information about our available spaces, please write us to