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As the pandemic advanced, many firms tried to recreate the office functions in a digital format. Even when this was effective for a while, it can be difficult for the companies’ long-term plans.

Interior designers, architects, and designing professionals are defied by several opinions and suggestions regarding a safe return to offices. Everyone thinks differently about how to recreate a new workspace that’s safe and comfortable for people, so we already know what was wrong with former office spaces before the pandemic, enough to realize that some of the elements of remote working must blend in.

The designing of workspaces should be healthier for people, rather than just furniture and fancy finishes. Design, at last, is about adaptation to physical spaces, considering that organizational philosophies constantly change for workers.

Encouraging workers to return to the office will be a challenge for employers. An effective and comforting method to start building a positive atmosphere toward returning to a full-time office schedule is to develop programs to boost the workers’ well-being, health, and happiness.

Relying on benefits for workers can help for an optimistic return to the office, thus impacting the productivity and results of the company. Here are some ways in which any employer, big or small, can create a positive culture toward returning to the office:

Relaxing and soothing activities:

Even when remote working has brought many benefits to most employees, a recent poll revealed that 41% of them thinks that the line between personal and professional life has become blurry because of this format. A way to reverse this trend is to start the workday with a relaxing and soothing activity like a 10-minute breathing exercise or a quick discussion that can set up a friendly tone for the rest of the day.

Yoga, sports, or art workshops can also be options to relax your team. Employees need to know that you respect their free time and their personal life.

Team-building activities

Two of the main challenges during the pandemic were the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Bringing back group activities in the workplace is a first step to sending those feelings away.

Furthermore, in this new scenario of returning to the office, having more informal meetings can be very beneficial. Some ways to accomplish this are weekly lunches and breakfasts or to gather the team for sharing learning experiences.

If the team members are more involved in these events, they’re more likely to participate in future activities.

Programs to boost productivity, reduce stress and increase empathy

Companies should attack stress in the workplace to avoid their workers’ burnout.

Besides reducing stress, studies show that meditation helps to raise productivity. Meditation can also help to boost creativity, reflection, and decision-making.

The key is to offer office activities that employees could not experience at home and give them the peace and comfort they lived during remote working. The flexibility of schedules, safe spaces for socializing, and outdoor spaces are some of the benefits they are looking for when they return to the office with fresh enthusiasm. Workers and employers need to return to the office happier, with less anxiety or stress, if they’re looking for success together.