AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


In AFZ we keep our commitment to the environment through several initiatives, one of them the renovation of our Blue Flag Program (PBAE, in Spanish) for the Climate Change Category last June 21st, where we were awarded with three white stars and one silver.

The PBAE is an annual recognition that drives organizations toward conservation of the environment and development of the natural resources, actions in favor of fighting climate change, the search for the best sanitary conditions, and improvement in the overall public health of Costa Rica.

Since 2017 our Business City has been continuously recognized by the PBAE in many of their categories. These awards mean a lot to us since they acknowledge our efforts in protecting the environment and adapting to climate change.

Climate change is a critical factor that impacts transversely poverty, environmental degradation, and territorial ordering, which are all factors that affect the security and quality of life of people and future generations. It is provoked directly or indirectly by human activities and the alterations that this generates in the composition of the world atmosphere, which also affects the natural mobility of the climate during comparable periods.

During recent years we have reinforced sustainable planning of projects that promote effective use of resources, such as campaigns for recycling and the construction of new energy-efficient buildings under LEED standards. Every year we have the chance to fight climate change and our impact on it through less consumption of resources and promoting and guiding other organizations into adopting the PBAE.

We also train our staff in topics like the use of fossil fuels, sewer water disposal, water and energy savings, waste disposal, and recycling, among others.

“This award represents for us not only a way to reduce our impact on the environment but sends a message to the companies’ staff to reduce their impacts themselves, inside and outside the Business City” said Gabriela Arias, Head of Processes and Continuous Improvement at AFZ.

Climate change could be considered a threat, but it is also an opportunity to improve our organization, working toward positive actions for the environment. We thank our team and the AFZ’s community for helping us to achieve this goal for the fourth year in a row.