AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América

AFZ: Our path to the future

We are part of a world where the only permanent feature is change. Every day we see the launching of new technologies, research, and challenges that make us learn and grow each day.

In AFZ we aspire to be an intelligent city, which allows our customers to develop in a technological environment that facilitates their work. Therefore, we have implemented technological tools from our creation, such as power generation through solar panels to a secure and stable connectivity. However, we want to continue growing in the area, so we maintain our goal of implementing a software that is integrated into the structure of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions for all our customers to benefit from the technology of the smart city and therefore achieve new changes.

Although , we are the ones who build their own future and that is why it is necessary to have the proper tools to make it happen.

Last Monday, July 11, we had the visit of Javier Santaolalla, renowned doctor of physics, who gave his support to the Talent First program, in alliance with Universidad Creativa. The recognized science influencer, comes to contribute and encourage new perspectives of his vision of the world.

For the AFZ community, participation in these types of talks is extremely important, as Javier strengthens the importance of being better in the future and of adapting to new forms of technology, science, and art.

Our future vision makes us feel responsible and adaptable to what many cities in the world are going through nowadays, so why not be one of them?

Bringing a solution not only in terms of technology, but also having a strong focus on sustainability.

The definition of smart city also includes elements such as high connectivity diffusion, Wi-Fi in public spaces, smart infrastructure, renewable electricity sources and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve the quality of life of our clients, efficiency, and competitiveness. At AFZ we have been integrating digital technology into our networks, services, and infrastructure to move towards what a smart business city offers. Since our creation, we have aspired to smart transportation networks, improved water supply and waste disposal facilities, and more efficient ways of lighting and heating our buildings.

The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) forecasts that by 2050, the world’s population will reach 9 billion, of whom: 

– 70% will live in urban centers.

Given that metropolises already consume more than 75% of the world’s energy production and generate 80% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is why many cities around the world inspire us to transform ourselves strategically and technologically.

We are very excited about this future projection of which we will all be part!