AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Due to the pandemic, we have been forced to make decisions that take us out of our comfort zone and routine. Certainly, one of them was the implementation of teleworking and this forced us to isolate ourselves for a while, in order to keep us safe. However, gradually, we see how different companies are once again asking their workers to return to the office, due to the great importance of face-to-face relationships between work teams. In AFZ we continue taking care of ourselves and thinking about the well-being of all the people who work in the business city, for this reason we continue respecting the recommendations and guidelines of The Health Ministry from Costa Rica, for the return to the offices. We have alcohol gel dispensers, hand washing, optional use of masks, to continue preventing contagions.

In AFZ we miss you, that’s why we want to invite you to be part of the reactivation of our buildings and their amenities. Each of us plays an indispensable role that makes us a unique place. For more information of our community, we want to tell you about the reopening of the restaurants which bring us diverse and delicious dishes. Below, we indicate the restaurants that are open.

Sabores de mi Tierra, which offers a wide menu that includes typical style breakfasts, chorreadas and sandwiches and on the other side, delicious lunches going from casados with different protein options, to rice with shrimp, hamburgers, wings and chicharrones (pork rinds). The restaurant is located in the Sports Zone, and you can visit it from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

Another restaurant that opened its doors in the E21 building is Sazón & Sabor, which offers a wide menu to suit your preferences. You can find breakfasts and lunches that include mixed fajitas, grilled chicken, chifrijo, hamburgers among others. Their opening hours are from 6:45 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm.

In addition to the information above, Portobello restaurant opened its doors and offers wraps, salads, and pastries. It is located in the Multipurpose Building (EMU). It offers a variety of dishes with unique flavor. Its hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Finally, Café Luna, located in the lobby of the C11 building, is incorporated to the reopening, offering delicious desserts and snacks to accompany your afternoon coffee. Its opening hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. We are waiting for you to taste their delicious pastries accompanied by your favorite drink.

With the reopening that we are currently living, not only we see how the restaurants invite us to enjoy their menus, but it incorporates the bus service to our business city, among the routes include San Jose, Heredia, and Alajuela with different schedules.

For detailed information about routes, schedules and prices do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp at: 8340 1385.

Let’s travel together again!