AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Companies are increasingly appropriating the concept of a hybrid modality derived from a pandemic that has shown that it is a viable option. Under this scenario, there are trends that define the way office spaces are built, designed and remodeled

As a business city under the free zone regime, for 23 years we have established ourselves as the option for large international companies, which has been reflected thanks to the effort to incorporate flexible, sustainable spaces that allow the attraction of human talent.

“23 years of leadership in the country’s real estate sector allow AFZ to consolidate its strong commitment to the environment and constant innovation in its real estate projects. We have invested in buildings with advanced technology that support the environmental, sustainability, health and well-being objectives of companies, while offering a better experience for clients and collaborators”, commented José Benavides, General Manager of AFZ.

Nowadays, both companies and their collaborators opt for more workspaces where they can connect with their co-workers surrounded by outdoor areas and spaces for relaxation, or recreation.

“Offering employees workspaces that promote well-being and mental health is one of the most important objectives of the sector. In the case of AFZ, we offer a wide variety of amenities such as green areas, a sports area with open-air courts, an open-air gym, an athletics track, restaurants, and even a bike path, since we want our community to feel comfortable and enjoy welcoming environments” mentioned Benavides.


Smart and sustainable buildings are also part of the trends in office spaces in the post-pandemic era. This type of construction favors aspects such as energy efficiency and clean construction processes.

In recognition of our efforts in terms of sustainability, the Costa Rican Chamber of Construction (CCC) awarded us the “Sustainable Construction” award in the company category. Assessing, among other topics, the use of high-efficiency technologies and specialized software for energy management. In addition, the preventive maintenance of our facilities.

Also, we stand out with the production of clean energy through solar panels and the incorporation of a fleet of electric vehicles. All our projects are LEED certified for Core & Shell, and our administrative activities, in addition to being Carbon Neutral, are ISO 14001 certified and have been awarded the Ecological Blue Flag in the Climate Change category.

“For AFZ and our customers, sustainability is a priority. The collaborators of our business community can be sure that they work in buildings where technology is used to reduce the environmental footprint” Benavides argued.


The office real estate market in Costa Rica is constantly improving due to the implementation of new updates in design and complementary details, something that undoubtedly responds to the new trends for this 2022.

“There is a need to create versatile environments that include easy-to-move offices, flexible meeting spaces and adaptable building designs. 

At AFZ we have developed shared work spaces that support collaboration between peers, generating modern and comfortable environments within the community. Benavides said.