AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Postponement of massive activities such as soccer and tennis tournaments; implementation of Work From Home (WFH), and specialized attention to high-risk populations are part of the measures that our business city took to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“We are conducting our best efforts to ensure the health and well-being of our collaborators, clients, and all those with whom we interact day by day,” said José Benavides, AFZ General Manager.

That is why all the scheduled activities involving the massive attendance of people have been postponed. Besides, WFH was implemented for the park administration personnel whose positions and roles allow so.

“We provide a paid leave of absence to the older employees so that they can take shelter at home and follow all prevention measures with their families,” said Jorge Mora, AFZ Human Talent Manager.

“Without a doubt, all the business actions that we can undertake are necessary to counter this pandemic; but, overcoming it requires a group effort in which all of us must be involved, demonstrating our value of humanity, staying at home when appropriate, and applying any other individual measures that our authorities may recommend,” concluded Benavides.