AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América

ISO 14001!

Over 10 months of intense work, and a whole history of commitment to sustainable development, yielded yet another fruit at the end of last year when AFZ managed to get ISO 14001:2015 environmental management certification for all its operations.

“The value of sustainability has been in the DNA of AFZ since its inception and that is why it is a core value in each of the actions that we plan and execute in every area of our business city,” said José Benavides, AFZ General Manager. “The ISO 14001 certification that we celebrate today not only reaffirms our awareness to include economic, social, and environmental sustainability in our management, but also serves to recognize the enormous work we have done as a team to achieve it,” added Benavides.

The ISO 14001 certification joins other important environmental awards that AFZ has received, such as the Ecological Blue Flag in the Climate Change Category for two consecutive years; the prestigious LEED green building certifications for our buildings; and the accreditation as the first Costa Rican Carbon Neutral Free Zone administration that was achieved in 2017.

Gilberto Cervantes, audit team leader of the company that oversaw the process, SAI Global, highlighted these historic efforts as an example of the responsibility that our company has always demonstrated for the planet and society.

The certification period goes from December 26, 2019, to December 26, 2022, the year when an external audit will be conducted for the recertification of the system. “However, applying the value of sustainability is something that every employee of our business city must do on a daily basis in our work. That has been essential to celebrate this great achievement today,” said AFZ Environmental Manager, Bryan Hernández.