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Our business city joins the celebration that is taking place today in Costa Rica, after having received an invitation by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to become the #38 member country and the first in Central America to join to this prestigious international group.

“Achieving this accession to the OECD not only represents a great step for our country but also a myriad of opportunities that are opening up for the Costa Rican workforce by getting even closer to nations with global quality standards,” said José Benavides, AFZ General Manager. “We congratulate all the public and private entities that have made this goal possible and, in particular, the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and the Legislative Assembly for leading the conclusion of this process,” added Benavides.

The OECD is an organization comprised by countries with high standards of economic and social development such as Germany, the United States, France, Japan, and Australia, which meet to share information, best practices, and different policies for the growth of their economies and those of all countries of the world.

From this invitation, the President of the Republic of Costa Rica and the Secretary-General of the OECD should sign the Accession Agreement to the Convention. Once signed, it is transferred to the country’s Legislative Assembly for ratification.