AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


Costa Rica is a well-known ecological country, an achievement precedented by its sustainable approach to economical and social activities, as well as its robust network of protected natural areas. This conservation culture is integrated into business centers such as AFZ, which was recently recertified with the Country Carbon Neutral Program (file DCC-PP-007-2017)

By being awarded this honorable recognition, the business city assures that its operations are consistent with the environmental protection standards through a structure of reduction and carbon compensation objectives. The program also aids companies to get a better understanding of their actions through new strategies to reduce their negative impact on the natural ecosystem, alongside supporting government initiatives to mitigate climate change.

At AFZ, there are tactics in place to reduce consumption of fossil fuels and redirect energy sources towards solar-powered panels. The replacement of the diesel-fueled streetlights in the parking lots with solar lamps is an example of how detailed strategies are executed in AFZ. As a result of its effective efforts, between 2017 and 2021, the company has compensated over 6,882 tons of CO2 emissions.

Looking forward, AFZ plans on generating strategic alliances to educate corporate organizations and human talent on sustainability. Also, it plans to invest in new technology to generate a positive impact on employees, clients, and its surrounding community of Flores, Heredia. The business center intends to keep its association with other initiatives like the National Blue Flag Program as well, which incentives the mitigation of climate change.

Now more than ever, it is indispensable for the shared services and the production industry to shift its impact on the environment. By establishing operations in a country such as Costa Rica, which plans on being a 100% carbon neutral territory by 2050 and is currently discussing a ban on oil exploration at Congress, enterprises can access better practices and strategies to adapt their approach for the conservation of Planet Earth.

AFZ offers excellent customer assistance for its tenants so that every member of its community can benchmark eco-friendly ventures and work alongside other leading industry companies that currently operate from the AFZ facilities.

For more information, please contact our team at