AFZ | America Free Zone | Top Free Zone in Costa Rica Central América


After being operating for almost a full year under a context of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies from various sectors are currently in the process of either planning or implementing plans for the reincorporation of their collaborators into their physical workplace.

Current trends point towards hybrid work modalities that comprise both remote and face-to-face processes while seeking to prioritize people’s health through the implementation of all necessary measures to ensure it and even by adapting their workspaces.

AFZ has addressed this need since the start of the health emergency. The business city has modified its dynamics and processes, under the advice of both internal and external experts and government authorities, to ensure the safety of its spaces and the well-being of clients, collaborators, and visitors.

As a leader in the development of real estate solutions, AFZ also provides its clients with the space-remodeling service and supports them in the process of adapting to the new requirements of common areas, capacity limitation, distance, and ventilation systems, among others.

Redefinition of collaborative spaces

Precisely, the latest work modalities and trends point towards having spaces that provide solutions to collaborators. This way, workplaces enhance creativity and collaboration.It is essential for companies to identify their needs and those of their collaborators. In this way, they will be able to adjust their spaces to adapt them to the new reality. At AFZ we have both the necessary capacity and experience to provide this support to each of our clients”, highlighted José Benavides, General Manager at AFZ.

Undoubtedly, offices are spaces with great importance not only for the productivity and creativity of people but also for the construction of a solid organizational culture. Furthermore, they provide the necessary resources to develop daily activities such as connectivity, ergonomics, and companionship.

Presence is a great ally of creative dynamics and problem solving. Spontaneous conversations after meetings and collaborative face-to-face sessions are essential for promoting innovative environments.

Organizations are constantly changing, whether due to the incorporation of new employees or to changes in departments and rolesThat is why it is important to offer a common space in which the organizational culture, integration, and collaboration can be developed”, said José Benavides.

Returning to the offices, more than a challenge represents an opportunity for service companies. Through it, they will be able to redefine the use of their operating spaces and offer a unique experience. Benavides explained that in addition to offering basic conditions of connectivity, lighting, and setting, among others, the integration of supplementary services adds value to the work environment and builds a positive organizational climate.” 

This is one of the areas in which AFZ offers great advantages to its customers.

Some of AFZ’s supplementary services

  • Sports Zone
  • Restaurants and coffee shops
  • Parks and green areas
  • Collaborative areas
  • Convention center
  • Medical clinic
  • Pharmacy
  • Convenience store

A well-equipped business city

AFZ has robust cleaning and disinfection protocols in force. In addition, it has implemented technological tools to improve its management in times of pandemic. It has installed thermal imaging cameras and automated entry points that speed up the access of people, thus avoiding crowds.

Currently under development is the implementation of a technology called needlepoint bipolar ionization for air conditioning systems. It aims to improve air quality by reducing allergens, eliminating pathogens and odors, and resembling fresh air quality as closely as possible. At the same time, this would allow the reduction in energy consumption in cleaning these systems.

With 22 years of experience, AFZ has developed its approach as a tech business city and provides solutions to its large community, currently made up of more than 10,000 people.